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Our new company brochure is now available for you to read online. You can also download a pdf version here.

“Nadeem Shaikh from Smart Way Forward has delivered a variety of CPD courses for Sports Coaches as part of the Middlesex University Coach Education Programme. He has a professional and polished approach, delivering material in a lively and enthusiastic manner.

“His wealth of experience in coaching and training enables him to deliver sessions which get to the heart of the subject, and utilise real-life examples to enhance the participant’s learning.”
Mel Parker
Head of Sport & Recreation, Middlesex University

Training, CPD & Skills Development


Winston Churchill once said: “I am always ready to learn, although I do not always like being taught.”

At SMART Way Forward we understand that this can sometimes apply to all of us so we make all our onsite and online training courses relevant, interactive, enthusiastic and fun!

Our CPD (Continuing Professional Development) training courses, seminars and programmes specialise in areas such as Sales, Management & Leadership, Customer Service and Skills Development.

Most of our training courses will consist of a powerpoint presentation delivered by an experienced consultant, together with a number of fun scenario type exercises which will help your staff relate to genuine every day work situations they are likely to face. This helps to encourages the learning process, as it makes the training real and relevant. Specific SMART goals and objectives are set for each delegate at the end of every course delivered, which are then followed up by the tutor/consultant to ensure theory is put into practice, with further training and support offered if required. 

As part of our offering, we also help you identify an effective ongoing training plan, which will ensure that your staff have skills which are regularly refreshed and tested. This also makes it easier for management teams to identify further areas for learning, training and skills development.

Click here for further details of our specialist management training courses and general sales training courses.


CPD Courses for health, physical education and leisure departments

In addition to the bespoke commercial business training we deliver, we also work with a number of universities sport and leisure departments, colleges and Active Partnerships around the UK delivering a series of CPD workshops to help staff, students and graduates become more effective within their roles.

The duration for each workshop depends on the area being covered. However, most training workshops usually last either 2 hours (quarter day),  4 hours (half day) or  8 hours (full day).

These workshops proved to be very successful. Once delivered and the knowledge and skills learnt were implemented consistently by the delegates, performance increased instantaneously and generated some very impressive results. Delegates learnt a lot about themselves, as well as how to be more productive and effective in their roles. 

Click here for further details of our CPD courses for sports coaches, physical education and leisure departments

Online taster training courses 

In March 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic hit the World. This forced a lockdown in many countries, which meant no non-essential travel and strict social distancing guidelines being applied nationally and internationally.

This had a significant impact on the economy, with all businesses having to rethink their sales and business strategies. The UK Government announced that during the lockdown period, in order to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus, companies and their employees would need to work from home if they are able to do so. The Government provided financial support packages to help businesses and organisations survive, but with many employees either placed on furlough or working reduced hours from home until the economy picked up and businesses could be financially independent once more.

In order to help businesses and employees successfully make that transition from office working to working from home, we introduced online taster training courses to ensure staff could still work effectively and productively during those surreal times, but still continue learning and developing their skills. Each interactive SMART taster training course was delivered via Zoom/Skype video conferencing, in durations of either 2-3 hours in any one session, so it never became too testing or overwhelming.

Our SMART online training courses a very condensed version of our more comprehensive onsite training courses. We always want to make sure that you gain the best learning experience in the time allocated, therefore only certain courses and programmes are delivered online. They still include plenty of interaction, fun and focus on key training areas but with regular intervals and breaks throughout to ensure reduced screen time for everyone. Online training is charged per person, per hour and has proved to be a great success, especially where staff are spread all across the country or based overseas. Please contact us to discuss your online training needs further and together we will identify the best workable solution and course for you.

Your worst experiences teach you the best life lessons you’ll ever learn