Archive for the ‘Sales Training and Customer Service’ Category

Stress management at work

Posted on: March 15th, 2018 by No Comments

We all feel the pressure at work sometimes – but getting yourself all anxious, stressed and tense will never help the situation. In order to be calm, effective, professional and level headed, you need to control emotions and put things into perspective. Emotions can often run high and influence your decision-making skills and make you react in an irrational way. This workshop will show you ways in which you can control those emotions, how you can break things down into ‘bite sized chunks’ and deal with your workload, people or situations in a calm, logical, methodical, professional manner.

Managing your workload and prioritising your day

Posted on: March 15th, 2018 by No Comments

Work is an evolving process, so there is always something to be done. Being organised is essential to being highly effective and productive in your role. This training workshop highlights the key points and skills that can help you achieve more out of every day, by helping you manage tasks and time more efficiently, without creating any unnecessary stress or impacting on your work/life balance.

Identifying customer behaviours

Posted on: March 15th, 2018 by No Comments

This training workshop highlights the reasons why certain customer and clients may act or respond in a particular way when faced with either a challenge, an option, an alternative or a sales type scenario. The is a particular reason for this, which is often influenced by environment, situation and scenario. Customer and client characteristics often fall into four specific quadrants, which will be explored thoroughly during this workshop with solutions openly discussed.

Educating your customers through consultation

Posted on: March 15th, 2018 by No Comments

We are all familiar with the phrase ‘the customer is always right’. However, in some cases, the customer may not be right but instead be misinformed, unware of the facts or unfamiliar with the processes involved. In this instance, it is important to educate your customers, communicating and collaborating with them in the right way, at the right level, so they feel involved in the process rather than undermined. Respect works both ways. This training workshops will show you ways in which you can educate and train your customers and clients so they understand your challenges and processes as well as their own.

Managing projects effectively

Posted on: March 15th, 2018 by No Comments

When delivering a project, it is vital that all of your team and business fully understand what is involved, what is required, by when and by whom so that the whole process runs effectively, efficiently and professionally from initial proposal through to delivery and completion. This training workshops highlights the structure and processes involved in delivering a successful project and the importance of ownership, accountability and responsibility throughout every phase.

Exceeding customer expectations

Posted on: March 15th, 2018 by No Comments

The customer service you, your team and your company provide to your customers is a direct reflection on the values and ethics you believe in. Therefore, being professional, consistent, proactively listening and going the extra mile at every opportunity, will always help you ensure that your customers and clients feel values, respected and appreciated. This training workshop will highlight the key areas to consider to help you consistently deliver a glad standard of service.

Delivering excellent customer service

Posted on: March 15th, 2018 by No Comments

This workshop gives an overview on what it means to consistently deliver excellent customer service. As a sales person, executive or manager, you are permanently representing your business, therefore it is important that your professionalism, attitude and customer service skills always need to be at an optimum level, implemented in the most effective enthusiastic positive way. This training workshop also looks at what defines excellent customer service, break it down and show you how you can deliver this consistently in your role.

How to sell yourself effectively

Posted on: March 15th, 2018 by No Comments

You are the face of your company. So, when your customers/clients see you, they are making judgements based on your appearance, your knowledge, your attitude, your professionalism and your ability to help them and provide a win/win solution. This training workshop will help you become more confident, clear, concise, assertive and professional so that you are perceived correctly and build stronger working relationships.

What is in your sales portfolio

Posted on: March 15th, 2018 by No Comments

Having a well-equipped, knowledgeable, professional sales team will always help you close more sales. Therefore, it is important that your sales team are organised and that they have all the tools necessary to explain all your products and services in a clear, concise, professional manner. One way to do this, is to ensure everyone is consistent in their approach and that they way they present and demonstrate your products and services is consistent across the board. This training workshop will share hints and tips to ensure your sales team is well prepared for every meeting and sales call.

Taking innovative marketing to the next level

Posted on: March 15th, 2018 by No Comments

Marketing promotion to help you generate more sales often consists of cover letters, company brochures, leaflets, email marketing, website promotion, product samples, service examples, meetings, conferences, shows and events. However, there are also other aspects to consider, that when delivered professionally, can also have a huge positive impact on your customers/clients. The ‘Wow factor’ will always entice customers/clients to take an interest – but its harnessing this and making sure they want to learn more and meet, which then takes your marketing to a level of excellence.

Anything can be achieved with PMA – Positive Mental Attitude