Archive for the ‘Workshops’ Category

Preparation, training, strategy and mindset

Posted on: March 16th, 2018 by No Comments

This coaching workshop is ideally targeted at coaches / managers from athletics or cycling who are working with athletes who are competing at a higher performance level (international or elite). It focuses on the planning and periodisation cycles leading up to major competition at National, International, European, Commonwealth and Olympic Games. Preparation begins many years prior to the year, months, weeks and days leading up to competition day.

Specific areas covered will include; How to structure the correct training based upon existing form and performance, how to gradually build up and increase training and load, examples of the different type of training sessions given, striking the right balance between speed, speed endurance, aerobic, anaerobic training, interval work, strength training, the importance of recovery, injury prevention, building up confidence, mental toughness and executing the strategy during competition.

Effective presentation skills for sports coaches

Posted on: March 16th, 2018 by No Comments

Like delivering any successful presentation, it all comes down to your preparation (physical and mental) prior to the day. This workshop looks at what to consider when delivering a memorable presentation / session and how to structure the content, with a fine balance between theory, practical, fun, checking for understanding and reviewing outcomes. Environment is equally important, as presenting in a lecture theatre, classroom, sports hall, playing field, sports pitch or athletics track are all completely different, so knowing what to consider beforehand and how to engage with your audience effectively is essential.

Delivering an effective training session – planning, periodisation and goal setting

Posted on: March 16th, 2018 by No Comments

Coaches do more than just coach. This workshop looks at how coaches can consistently deliver engaging training sessions. It is not all about the athlete / players conduct, it is also about how the coach prepares before, during and after every training session. It reviews how to get the ‘buy in’ from your athletes and players at the start of each session, and the importance of knowing the person as well as the athlete / player. Realistic goal setting is equally important and this workshop highlights how to strike a good balance between planning, preparation, reward and recognition.

Identifying and nurturing talent, from grassroots through to elite

Posted on: March 16th, 2018 by No Comments

This workshop will give you a brief insight into the signs, characteristics, personality, movement and body language to look out for when trying to spot potential sporting talent within a large group of children / youths. It looks at how you as a coach/tutor/teacher can spot potential talented athletes or players and how to encourage them, without coming across too pushy or applying too much pressure – which can then put them off or have an adverse effect. Therefore, it is important for children / youths to try a multitude of sports and older athletes/player to have a plan or structure before they eventually find their passion and pursue a route which could hopefully one day lead to them experiencing and achieving great success on a National / International level.

Forming an effective personal development plan (PDP)

Posted on: March 16th, 2018 by No Comments

This workshop looks at how you set goals/ targets, how you measure goals /targets, how you implement goals / targets and how you review goals / targets. Everybody is different, so one size does not fit all. Breaking a personal development plan (PDP) into bite size chunks if often easier to digest and not so daunting. The areas covered within this workshop will include SMART goal setting (Specific, Measured, Achievable, Realistic / Relevant, Time bound) and how to set these in workable timeframes of 1 month, 3 months, 6 months and 12 months.

Delivering excellent customer service

Posted on: March 16th, 2018 by No Comments

This workshop gives an overview on what it means to consistently deliver excellent customer service. As a coach, you are permanently representing your club, school or association, therefore it is important that your professionalism, attitude and customer service skills always need to be at an optimum level, implemented in the most effective enthusiastic positive way. This workshop will also look at and discuss what defines excellent customer service, break it down and show you how you can deliver this in your role.

The importance of coaching and volunteering in sport

Posted on: March 15th, 2018 by No Comments

There are many successful sports men and sports women who are great role models and ambassadors within sport. This workshop will highlight the different volunteering opportunities available within sport, the roles available, where to find them and how to deliver them with great success. It will also look at how you can become a qualified coach within sport, the pathways you need to take, who to contact, along with the various levels for if you decide to take a ‘Development’ or ‘Performance’ route.

Understanding the different personality types and learning styles

Posted on: March 15th, 2018 by No Comments

This workshop specifically looks at understanding different people’s learning styles and understanding their individual personally types. Once you can recognise the signs and traits to look out for, you can manage and coach each individual more effectively, as you will know exactly how to tailor your coaching style, mannerism, reactions in order to consistently get a positive response and reaction from your athletes and players.

Behaviour change

Posted on: March 15th, 2018 by No Comments

This workshop will give you a good insight into understanding the characteristics, learning styles and personality types of different sports coaches, athletes and players as well as how to manage different scenarios, emotions, praises and conflicts. The emphasis will be on what makes certain people react in a particular way and how to manage this within your group and team.

It will also highlight how you as a coach, mentor or manager can control your own reactions and emotions, in order to get the best out of that individual or individuals by making discreet minor changes in that way you communicate and relay information to them. This workshop will also give an overview on the key signs to look for when recognising body language.

Emotional intelligence

Posted on: March 15th, 2018 by No Comments

This workshop looks specifically at you and your mindset. It focuses on what influences your motivation, your aspirations, your life goals and your lifestyle. When something really matters to us we can always find a way to make it happen. So where does this motivation, determination, focus, confidence and positivity come from? It comes from you. No one can make you feel or react in a certain way, unless you allow them to. So, understanding yourself and the power of self-control along with maintaining good lifestyle choices so you reduce stress and negativity within your life can help you achieve a lot more than you think.

Your worst experiences teach you the best life lessons you’ll ever learn