Read our new brochure:

Our new company brochure is now available for you to read online. You can also download a pdf version here.

“As a Queen’s Award-winning family business, we were confident that we were executing our business framework but most importantly that our colleagues were happy and proud to work at The Pitchmark Group. Our initial objective was to maintain this success whilst finding marginal gains across The Group, which is why I reached out to Nadeem at SMART Way Forward. Our immediate priority was to upskill existing members of the team to ensure we were continuing to maximise opportunity and operate at optimum levels of efficiency. The training and ongoing support we receive has been fantastic; Nadeem really is an extension to our ‘family’ and his passion, enthusiasm and belief in our vision definitely underpins our performance.”

Tim Rodman
Managing Director, The Pitchmark Group

16 March 2018

Identifying and nurturing talent, from grassroots through to elite

This workshop will give you a brief insight into the signs, characteristics, personality, movement and body language to look out for when trying to spot potential sporting talent within a large group of children / youths. It looks at how you as a coach/tutor/teacher can spot potential talented athletes or players and how to encourage them, without coming across too pushy or applying too much pressure – which can then put them off or have an adverse effect. Therefore, it is important for children / youths to try a multitude of sports and older athletes/player to have a plan or structure before they eventually find their passion and pursue a route which could hopefully one day lead to them experiencing and achieving great success on a National / International level.

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Anything can be achieved with PMA – Positive Mental Attitude