Read our new brochure:

Our new company brochure is now available for you to read online. You can also download a pdf version here.

“We have recently finished the CPD training workshops carried out by SMART Way Forward which the whole team found extremely beneficial both individually and for the future development of White Line Services. Nadeem’s experience and enthusiasm when carrying out the training was impressive as he provided us with a wealth of knowledge and useful skills […]

16 March 2018

Delivering an effective training session – planning, periodisation and goal setting

Coaches do more than just coach. This workshop looks at how coaches can consistently deliver engaging training sessions. It is not all about the athlete / players conduct, it is also about how the coach prepares before, during and after every training session. It reviews how to get the ‘buy in’ from your athletes and players at the start of each session, and the importance of knowing the person as well as the athlete / player. Realistic goal setting is equally important and this workshop highlights how to strike a good balance between planning, preparation, reward and recognition.

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Your personal goals are just dreams with a deadline