Read our new brochure:

Our new company brochure is now available for you to read online. You can also download a pdf version here.

“Suffolk Sport appointed SMART Way Forward to deliver a series of CPD coach education workshops as part of our commitment to developing the knowledge, skills and experience of sports coaches around the county. The workshops delivered by SMART Way Forward were engaging and had a great balance of theory and practical tasks. We look forward […]

15 March 2018

Understanding the different personality types and learning styles

This workshop specifically looks at understanding different people’s learning styles and understanding their individual personally types. Once you can recognise the signs and traits to look out for, you can manage and coach each individual more effectively, as you will know exactly how to tailor your coaching style, mannerism, reactions in order to consistently get a positive response and reaction from your athletes and players.

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There is always a positive to be learnt from every negative situation