Read our new brochure:

Our new company brochure is now available for you to read online. You can also download a pdf version here.

“It’s been a pleasure working with SMART Way Forward and Nadeem across broad range of training programmes including leadership, sales and customer service. The training was delivered to both our manufacturing and office staff and the courses have not only been informative but have dramatically changed their mind set and performance. The enthusiasm and positive energy that Nadeem brings creates the prefect environment for all learners to achieve and I wouldn’t hesitate in using SMART Way Forward again.”
Matthew Harrod
Sales Director, MH Goals

15 March 2018

Stress management at work

We all feel the pressure at work sometimes – but getting yourself all anxious, stressed and tense will never help the situation. In order to be calm, effective, professional and level headed, you need to control emotions and put things into perspective. Emotions can often run high and influence your decision-making skills and make you react in an irrational way. This workshop will show you ways in which you can control those emotions, how you can break things down into ‘bite sized chunks’ and deal with your workload, people or situations in a calm, logical, methodical, professional manner.

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