Read our new brochure:

Our new company brochure is now available for you to read online. You can also download a pdf version here.

“Nadeem is an exceptionally skilled and experienced trainer with an intimate understanding of The Pitchmark Group. With his extensive knowledge and expertise, Nadeem proves to be an invaluable asset in providing high-quality training. His years of experience in the field make him a proficient guide, ensuring our team receives the best possible training to excel […]

15 March 2018

Strategic marketing

This training workshop highlights the best way to get your products/services noticed – for the right reasons! We will guide you through the stages before, during and after implementation and how to monitor the results and ROI. If required, we can also act as your consultants to help you launch and position your services, again to give you the maximum exposure to the right audience, utilising the best marketing available to you within your remit, resources and budgets.

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The will to win is important … but the need to prepare is vital