Read our new brochure:

Our new company brochure is now available for you to read online. You can also download a pdf version here.

“On behalf of Annemount and the PTA, I would like to thank SMART Way Forward once again for organising such an incredible event this morning! It was a great success and we raised a lot of money for Sports Relief in the process. It is so inspiring to meet such driven and successful athletes. For […]

15 March 2018

Preparation and research for coaching

In all aspects of successful coaching and training, preparation is key. Without planning and preparation, you can very quickly find yourself training with no specific goals, targets or aspirations. Preparation can be in the form or training schedules, planning for competition, micro-cycles, meso-cycles and macro-cycles, all to help your athletes/players prepare leading up to competition. Getting the advice from established coaches and mentors or ex-athletes and player, can be incredibly useful – however knowing where to find these gurus or understanding where to look to find the right information demonstrating the right technique, can be very challenging. This training workshop gives a great overview as to how best to prepare and where to find the most useful relevant information.

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Your personal goals are just dreams with a deadline