Read our new brochure:

Our new company brochure is now available for you to read online. You can also download a pdf version here.

“Nadeem Shaikh from Smart Way Forward has delivered a variety of CPD courses for Sports Coaches as part of the Middlesex University Coach Education Programme. He has a professional and polished approach, delivering material in a lively and enthusiastic manner.

“His wealth of experience in coaching and training enables him to deliver sessions which get to the heart of the subject, and utilise real-life examples to enhance the participant’s learning.”
Mel Parker
Head of Sport & Recreation, Middlesex University

15 March 2018

Effective leadership and management skills

Management is doing things right – Leadership is doing the right things. This training workshop looks specifically at your leadership style, what is working well and what still needs development or improvement to help you get the best out of your team. This workshop includes psychometric tests, as well as scenario-based roles playing and active engagement throughout to help analyse your leadership skills.

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The will to win is important … but the need to prepare is vital