Read our new brochure:

Our new company brochure is now available for you to read online. You can also download a pdf version here.

“We recently appointed SMART Way Forward to provide advice, research and design work to help JB Corrie promote its revolutionary ServeAce tennis fencing solution. We were delighted with the service provided by SMART Way Forward and would happily use them again and recommend them to others.”
Maurice Hickman
Sales and Marketing Director, J B Corrie & Co Ltd

15 March 2018

Delivering constructive feedback

In order to improve and get the best out of your athletes/players, coaches need to ensure they deliver contractive feedback in a logical, methodical, inspiring and motivating manner. Feedback has to relevant, effective and help the individual/team grow and have a positive impact moving forwards. Therefore, delivering feedback based on facts, theory and observation is always going to be more effective than emotional response. This training workshop will help you deliver your feedback with a much better positive response and buy-in from the athletes/players.

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