Read our new brochure:

Our new company brochure is now available for you to read online. You can also download a pdf version here.

“I have known Nadeem from SMART Way Forward for about three years now and have always been impressed with his infectious enthusiasm and motivation. He comes across as one of those people who make things happen and inspire other people to get the best from themselves. I consider Nadeem to be trustworthy, honourable, professional and would recommend him as someone you should do business with because even if he can’t help you directly, he will introduce you to someone who can just because he wants to help you.”
Ian Wakefield
Business Development Manager, The Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity (IMSPA)

5 November 2017

Too busy, or just poor prioritisation?

In our experience, the most successful, profitable businesses are the ones which invest time and effort into their people as well as their products and services. They know that taking the time to upskill their staff so they become more professional, effective, efficient and productive is far more effective than just hoping that they will deal with challenging enquiries or people in the right way and not hinder any sales processes or tarnish future relationships.

Running a successful organisation is an evolving process which never stops. We all know that without successful projects being completed, new products and services being innovated and new business revenue coming in, you cannot function profitably as a business. So understandably areas such as staff training and skills development can get pushed to the back burner or delayed to a more convenient time. But often, tomorrow never comes and before you know it, no one in the team has had a review, an appraisal or a personal development plan (PDP).

So the next time you think you are too busy, ask yourself: “Am I really too busy or just not prioritising in the right area?” Only you can decide where, when and how you spend your time – but never neglect developing your staff. They need to feel valued, appreciated and developed just as much as your business. They are the ones who represent you and what you stand for. They are the people who will successfully drive your business forward.

To learn more about SMART Way Forward training programmes, please contact us on 01438 227563 or email

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