When it comes to effective leadership and management, one size does not fit all for each member of your team. Every person is unique and knowing their individual learning styles and personality types will allow you to communicate with them in the right way and ensure you can manage them effectively and get the best out of them.
Did you know that some people are visual learners, while some are aural? Some people like to read and take notes and others learn by experience – being in the moment*.
Some people are activists and confidently take action – worrying about the consequences later; pragmatists approach things logically; theorists base their judgements on available data while reflectors like to analyse and review – but can also be sensitive to being let down or hurt**.
No single learning style or personality type is better than another – the best teams are made up of people who represent a mix of all of them. Your job as director or manager is to understand this and approach each person in the way that they will respond best to.
At SMART Way Forward we can work with you to determine the learning styles and personality types of your people, help you create teams of individuals who complement each other and show you how to communicate with each to ensure you get the very best from your staff.
* VARK Learning Styles (Fleming 2005)
** Personality Types, Honey and Mumford (1992)
To learn more about how SMART Way Forward can help you determine the learning styles and personality types of your people, please contact us on 01438 227563 or email info@smartwayforward.co.uk.
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