It always amazes us at SMART Way Forward how often people make judgements on a person’s level of responsibility based purely upon their job title. Rather than taking the time to understand someone’s role, they make assumptions which are often incorrect and can lead to miscommunication, dismissive conduct, misunderstandings or undermining.
We have seen this happen numerous times – both between colleagues within the same organisation and with sales and customer service teams speaking to customers and clients – and it doesn’t build strong working relationships.
We all have different personalities, learning styles and mannerisms. So the next time you are looking for guidance, support, acknowledgement, commitment or confirmation and you are not sure whether or not you are speaking to the right person, think about your communication. Rather than making any assumptions, ask them the question and find out about their role. You will find that they appreciate your honesty and are genuinely grateful that you are taking an interest.
To learn more about how SMART Way Forward can help you determine the learning styles and personality types of your people, please contact us on 01438 227563 or email
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