Read our new brochure:

Our new company brochure is now available for you to read online. You can also download a pdf version here.

“Nadeem’s inspirational, enthusiastic and exciting way of delivering training ensures that the customer is not only bowled over but left needing more! He should be an essential part of any developing sales team as he has the ability to seamlessly integrate, motivate and educate … he is certainly at the heart of ours.”
Claire Mollet
Director, Hippo Leisure Products Ltd

5 November 2017

Are you being memorable for the right reasons?

To a seasoned salesperson, delivering a great presentation is probably second nature. But if you or anyone in your team is new to sales, marketing or customer services, then standing up and explaining why your products and services are the perfect solution to a client’s needs, can be daunting.

Even with all the technology we now have available to help us create a presentation, content is key – it must be relevant, engaging, interactive and memorable. The perfect balance of theory, practical, visual and demonstration. The pressure is on, because your business depends on it – ‘winging it’ is definitely is not an option!

At SMART Way Forward, we have trained many people in how to design, prepare, structure and deliver professional, memorable sales presentations. Many organisations have won tenders, projects, sold more products/services and secured many more orders, simply by learning how to deliver better presentations.

If you want your team and business to experience similar results, contact us on either 01438 227563 or email and book a day of on-site ‘Presentation Skills training’ and see how we can help you stand out from your competitors.

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