Read our new brochure:

Our new company brochure is now available for you to read online. You can also download a pdf version here.

“Suffolk Sport appointed SMART Way Forward to deliver a series of CPD coach education workshops as part of our commitment to developing the knowledge, skills and experience of sports coaches around the county. The workshops delivered by SMART Way Forward were engaging and had a great balance of theory and practical tasks. We look forward […]

7 November 2013

Anything can be achieved with focus, determination, training and PMA!

iStock_000009178000SmallPMA, Positive Mental Attitude. Mark Twain once said ‘If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always got’. It is so true, yet many of us still continue to do the same things day in day out hoping for a different result. Why?

Some businesses are evolving, expanding or growing, while others are continuing to do what they have always done. Sales; especially new business sales, are the lifeblood of any organisation. Therefore sales teams need to be dynamic, focused and proactive in order to generate regular healthy revenue. However, research from the FSB (Federation of Small Businesses) shows that approximately 49 per cent of businesses never actually follow up on their quotes, with a further 25 per cent never making a second call to chase developments.

Why would you leave opportunities like this completely open for your competitors to simply come along and take them away from you?

In the same way, sportsmen and sportswomen from around the world are continuously working with their coaches to become fitter, faster and stronger in their sporting disciplines. Therefore, it is vital for our sports coaches, clubs, team managers and performance managers to stay one step ahead of the global competition. If sports coaches at your club can understand how certain athletes and players think, prepare and focus, before, during and after competition, the probability for delivering a successful performance increases dramatically.

Our team of consultants at SMART Way Forward can help you in both these areas, regardless of whether you work in the private, public, commercial or community sector. This is because we are a specialist sales management and training consultancy which works specifically within the sport, leisure, health and fitness industry. Our team understand the sport and leisure industry, so you can be confident that we have the knowledge, experience, passion and enthusiasm to help you achieve the results and outcomes you desire.

We offer companies a unique proposition of commercially focused services, including bespoke sales training, Continuing Professional Development (CPD), management training, coaching & mentoring workshops, skills development, strategic consultation and sales support. We work with private and public sector organisations, including sports clubs, leisure centres, universities, trade associations, local authorities, sport’s National Governing Bodies (NGB’s), County Sports Partnerships (CSP’s), sports equipment manufacturers & product suppliers and sports event organisers.

Our training workshops are tailored specifically to your needs and development areas, so you know that the sessions we deliver are relevant and right for you. Our rates are extremely competitive too, starting from as little as only £395.00 + expenses for a half day of training (4 hours) and only £695.00 + expenses for a full day of training (8 hours). Our rates include preparation time and training delivery for up to 10 delegates in any one session.

Please take a look at our testimonials page to see a list of some of the organisations we have worked with and what they have to say about us

To find out how our team at SMART Way Forward can help you in your sports and leisure organisation, please take a look at our website or give us a call on +44 (0)7980 300169. Alternatively, email us at to arrange a meeting.

We would be delighted to hear from you – and rest assured, we are always ready to rise to the challenge!


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