Read our new brochure:

Our new company brochure is now available for you to read online. You can also download a pdf version here.

“On behalf of Bishops Stortford Running Club, I would like to thank you for the excellent marathon performance workshop you delivered for us on Saturday 1st December. I have had nothing but positive feedback from our members and we all thoroughly enjoyed the informative and engaging discussions. We hope to welcome you again at our club sometime soon.”
Dani Hill-Welter
Club Chair, Bishops Stortford Running Club

19 March 2013

Stuart Gealy

“I just wanted to drop you a line thanking and also congratulating you for an excellent SMART Way Forward CPD Business & Coaching Conference. It was great!

“This was my second event with SMART Way Forward and yet again, I found it ideal for networking and the speakers delivering the workshops were very inspirational once again.

“I encouraged my Line Manager to attend this event with me and he too found it, as I did, excellent and neither of us will hesitate in sending others within our teams to future events.”

 Stuart Gealy
Youth, Community & Schools Manager, Nuneaton & Bedworth Leisure Trust

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