Read our new brochure:

Our new company brochure is now available for you to read online. You can also download a pdf version here.

“I have known Nadeem for almost a quarter of a century through our membership of Shaftesbury Barnet Harriers. As a middle and long distance athlete he displayed stamina, consistency and diligence in his competitive endeavours. Durng the last eight years he has brought these qualities to being a first class coach, mentor and organiser. Moreover he has excellent interpersonal skills and a fine attention to detail.”
Richard Bober
Chairman, Shaftesbury Barnet Harriers

9 October 2012

Jez Cox

“I thoroughly enjoyed the SMART Way Forward CPD Coaching Conference at Bisham Abbey. Not only were the speakers exactly what I needed in terms of gaining new knowledge and unlocking new ideas as a coach but the opportunities for networking and building links with the fascinating array of people on the course with me. The well planned running of the day, along with the detailed follow up notes and material meant that I could actually relax and enjoy the day without worrying about having missed vital elements and as such I got much more from it.”

Jez Cox
Cycling Development Officer, Lee Valley Regional Park Authority

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