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Our new company brochure is now available for you to read online. You can also download a pdf version here.

“Nadeem from SMART Way Forward has a great outlook on business and is always trying to look for ways to best accommodate the client. I found him energetic and he had great vision and ideas for our working partnership. His passion and drive is also very commendable. I would certainly recommend other companies to meet […]

9 October 2012

Annie Page

“What a great event the SMART Way Forward CPD Coaches Conference was! The speakers were interesting, informative and fun and the advantage of being able to also use the day to network with people from different Sports and Businesses was extremely useful. This was a very enjoyable day with new learning and is a must for people in all areas of Sport and Coaching.”

Annie Page
Director and NLP specialist, Essentii Limited

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Anything can be achieved with PMA – Positive Mental Attitude