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“Bonar Yarns is primarily a manufacturing company and our customer service is an essential link between our own production facilities and our customers. SMART Way Forward were asked to deliver a training programme focussed on improving our service, communication skills and helping staff make best use of their time. This they have achieved through a […]

19 May 2012

SMART Way Forward MD attends elite endurance coach weekend

Nadeem Shaikh from SMART Way Forward was one of the privileged coaches invited to the Elite Endurance Coach Development Weekend on 19-20 May at Loughborough University, hosted by England Athletics and UK Athletics.

A variety of interactive workshops were delivered to help coaches develop and understand elite training methods, national performance centres & facilities and competition at International , World and Olympic level.

There was a special focus on the benefits of altitude training camps, building a successful endurance programme, Olympic winning mentality and how to compete with and beat the Kenyan athletes.

“The Elite Endurance Coach Development Weekend was an excellent opportunity for coaches to share quality training methods, knowledge and experience together,” said Nadeem.

“As a coach, you never stop learning, so it is always good to work with other like-minded successful coaches. Training which helps our future international and Olympic athletes gain an advantage against other nations has surely got to be a good thing.”

More information for UK Athletics can be found at

More information for England Athletics can be found at



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