We are proud to announce that SMART Way Forward has recently delivered a hugely successful series of CPD Workshops on behalf of Middlesex University and the London Sports Institute.
Designed to help sports coaches develop their personal management skills, the workshops included communication, observation and interpersonal skills as well as management and planning techniques. (A full list of workshops can be found below.)
Mel Parker, Head of Sport & Recreation at Middlesex University said: “Nadeem from SMART Way Forward has delivered a variety of CPD courses for sports coaches as part of the Middlesex University Coach Education Programme.
“He has a professional and polished approach, delivering material in a lively and enthusiastic manner. His wealth of experience in coaching and training enables him to deliver sessions which get to the heart of the subject, and utilise real-life examples to enhance the participant’s learning.”
More information about the courses and sports facilities available at Middlesex University can be found at http://www.mdx.ac.uk/facilities/sport/index.aspx
SMART Way Forward specialises in delivering CPD training courses for National Governing Bodies (NGBs), County Sports Partnership (CSPs), universities and local authority sports departments.
To find out how SMART Way Forward can help you deliver a range of CPD Workshops, please call +44 (0) 7980 300169 or email info@smartwayforward.co.uk. Alternatively, visit the SMART Way Forward website at www.smartwayforward.co.uk or download our brochure.
Workshops delivered by SMART Way Forward for the University of Middlesex and London Sports Institute include:
General communication skills- verbal, written & visual
Developing effective interpersonal skills
Rapport building & body language in coaching
Observation & providing constructive feedback
Presentation skills for sports coaches
Influencing skills – from coach to athlete
Managing individuals & teams effectively
Time Management
Planning & prioritisation
Monitoring & evaluation
Refection on practice
Using self reflection effectively
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